Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why are the leafs of my new gardenia shrub falling off?

I just bought a Gardenia Veitchii shrub almost a week ago. right when I brought it home I put it in front of the window in good lighting. Two days later it started to wilt and leafs are falling off. I have five other house plants that are doing great. I have now switched the shrub into the warmest room in my house , I hope this plant makes it!

Why are the leafs of my new gardenia shrub falling off?
I love having household plants too.... and Gardenias are so lovely smelling!

The trouble I had with mine was that it wasn't humid enough, I had it on a very sunny window and despite watering it regularly my plant got spidermites (where they come from I haven't a clue).

This can lead to the leaves falling off. I had to shower the plant every couple of day to help get rid of them... now I have moved it to a sunny spot that's not in the direct sunlight and it's doing absolutely fine now.

Whilst trying to revive mine I found out that the plants like a sunny position and being watered regularly - every two days in the hot weather and less so in the cooler months..... they don't like being watered too much though... they are quite temperamental really...

If you want more info I just typed looking after household plants and the name of my plant or the problems it was having into the search box.... hope yours pulls through.

new year lily

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