Friday, May 21, 2010

I have a bittersweet shrub that needs pruning. When is a good time for this?

Don’t be afraid to prune or shape any time. Just keep in mind that berries are produced on one year and older wood. The heaviest set is on two-three year old wood. As the branches age, production will fall, so heavy pruning every so often in early spring or late fall will increase over-all production. Old wood should be pruned out to allow for new growth to take it's place.

Pruning or pinching the ends of branches will also result in more laterals along the stems. Don't prune off the berries! This extra pruning is especially important if producing decorative shapes such as hearts or wreathes.

Prune as necessary to keep them within bounds. Best pruning time is November to March, but they can be pruned almost anytime. Blooming vines can be trained into a wreath shape for harvest after the first frost. Keep the wreath to 24” or less if not supported individually or they may distort…….No, actually they WILL distort!

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