Friday, May 21, 2010

I would like yellow shrub in my landscaping. What is best in sun and what best in shade?

For full sun

Graham Thomas-fragrant, double, cupped blosoms

Molineux-smaller shrub, fragrant, double, quartered, deep yellow

Blythe Spirit

'Golden Showers' ARS selection shrub rose

Berberis linearifolia 'Orange King' golden orange flowers are bourne in late spring.

Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Excalibur' gold foliage

Elaeagnus x ebbingei Eleador Lannou green leaves, silver beneath, centrally marked with a large yellow streak.Almost unseen white flowers which smell suprisingly strong.

Spiraea japonica ‘Goldmound’, ‘Golden Princess’, ‘Limemound’, ‘Candlelight’, and ‘Magic Carpet’ (generally under 3 feet), yellow foliage with pink flowers

‘White Gold’. This cultivar combines chartreuse foliage and flat-top white flowers.

Shrubs for shade

Golden Mockorange (Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus')

Dart's Gold Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold')

Golden Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea'

Old Gold Juniper (Juniperus chinensis 'Old Gold'

Cinquefoil Potentilla 'Goldfinger'

I would like yellow shrub in my landscaping. What is best in sun and what best in shade?
I would say some euonymus for sun, and Aucuba for shade. There is now an abelia that has yellow leaves It is good in sun to part sun. I also saw a hardy fuschia (shade) with yellow variegated leaves. That is about all I can think of.
Reply:Well, you didn't specify whether you were interested in a shrub with yellow blooms or a shrub with yellow foliage, so here are some ideas for both. You also didn't specify what zone you live in, so here's a list of shrubs and you can check them out and see if you like any of them and if they will grow where you live. Two shrubs off the top of my head are forsynthia and cinqufoil. They grow well in the sun. The forsynthia blooms lovely yellow flowers in early spring and the cinquefoil blooms yellow in summer. Some other shrubs I found are spice bush which blooms in the fall and the japanese rose which blooms in spring. I hope the links are helpful.
Reply:For early spring blooms try forsythia. Potentilla prefers full sun and blooms all summer. If your looking for yellow foliage try a sun kissed cedar or there are yellow leaf varieties of euonymus and dogwoods.

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