Monday, May 17, 2010

What is the best shrub to plant if you hate bugs?

Nuclear power plant?

What is the best shrub to plant if you hate bugs?
Reply:The best plant would be the venus fly trap. otherwise just plant whatever you want and spray it down in the springtime with a good insecticide
Reply:ferns or a juniper bush even lilacs
Reply:Citronella,it smells like an ant hill so they stay away.Penniroyal as well.If you rub either on you they'll stay away,they smell better than muskol too.
Reply:just eat em they are good for you
Reply:I planted Artemesia around the base of my roses to combat insects. It's also called Wormwood and was used to make absynthe, which has poisonous properies if consumed to excess. Lots of plants are insect resistant, so go to a catalog or gardening book for more listings. The Artemisia is a low growing perennial shrub about 18-24" high with soft grayish leaves and a distinct aroma when crushed. It needs to be pruned back every spring after frost dangers to give it shape. It will root from cuttings, or thinly cut a branch on the bottom side and weight it down to the soil for rooting another plant. Cut after about 8 months and replant elsewhere, although you have to watch it carefully and make sure the soil stays damp until it takes off.

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