Friday, May 14, 2010

Need evergreen shrub, 6-8 ft. tall for full shade area between house and big blue spruce. I'm in Kansas.?

We have two (2) nice looking Leyland Cypress on each side of our rather large colonial house that was built in 1993. Both Leyland Crypresses are very tall evergreen shrubs about 20 feet tall each and around 3 feet wide.

Leyland cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii) is a large, handsome evergreen that is used extensively in the Southeast. It is a favorite because it is fast growing.


This tree is capbale of growing 60 to 70 feet tall and 12 to 20 feet wide. Heights of 70 to 100 feet are not uncommon.


It grows rapidly when young (3 to 4 feet per year).

Need evergreen shrub, 6-8 ft. tall for full shade area between house and big blue spruce. I'm in Kansas.?
Knock-out Roses.

They're the best, so beautiful.

And get huge!
Reply:a deciduous camellia
Reply:Move .;D Does it have to be evergreen? Assume you have typical Midwestern, high pH soil , in which case most evergreens are a no-go.All of the typical shade-loving evergreens , that are good in the East %26amp; West, need low pH. If it just has to be attractive in winter , %26amp; doesn't need to screen anything try Kerria japonica . Has bright green twigs , 1-1/4" to 1-3/4" yellow flowers in spring, %26amp; a few sporadically through summer %26amp; fall.They look similar to double coreopsis(C. grandiflora) flowers Grows 4-6' high .Redtwig/Yellowtwig Dogwood( Cornus sericea aka Cornus alba) will also work. As with Kerria, the attractive feature is the winter twigs. That's what I can think of right now. I'll look for more , %26amp; post if I find any.

ps Roses need sun . Kansas winters are too harsh for camelias + they need lower pH, %26amp; might be too dark (Pine shade- OK , more isn't). Leyland cypress might also be too tender for Kansas , %26amp; most varities are way too big for this situation.
Reply:Have you thought about a Leyland Cypress? Left alone, it will grow tall, but you can top it at any height you want. They grow quickly and are fairly inexpensive as well as pest-resistant.

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