Friday, May 21, 2010

What is it? A shrub that grows anew each summer,?

to about 3-4 ft, large oval leaves up to about 10" long, pinkish-green soft stems, and clusters of dark berries similar to clusters of grapes just smaller. The berries appear to be ripe now - end of September in upstate New York.

What is it? A shrub that grows anew each summer,?
It's called "poke weed" or "poke salad" (Phytolacca americana). It's a hardy perennial that dies back to the ground. Birds love the berries, and some people cook and eat young shoots in the spring time. Most parts of the plant are poisonous, though, so if you are tempted, check for some proven recipes. The berries will stain your hands purple if crushed, and the stain will last for days!
Reply:Sound like elderberries.
Reply:Yep, pokeweed (Phytolacca americana)... I call it the pain in the *ss plant!! It is very difficult to control because birds spread it by eating the seed (why it grows along the fenceline) and it has a very large taproot.

You have to pull up the entire taproot to get rid of the plant, otherwise it just grows back!

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