Monday, November 16, 2009

If you were a tree/shrub what would you be and why?

I have to come up with an answer for this myself for a tutorial at uni and could do with some and could do with some ispiration. Do trees/shrubs have qualities?!

If you were a tree/shrub what would you be and why?
'thulasi' shurb because it is the most sacred among all vegetations
Reply:I would be a Magnolia tree. Whenever I'm near one and I inhale the fragrance I always close my eyes and smile and think wonderful thoughts.
Reply:I would be a big shade tree, like an elm. I'd plunge my roots deep into mother earth for my nourishment and strength and spread my branches wide and high. I'd reach to the heavens for nourishment from the sun and spread my branches wide, welcoming birds and squirrels to nest in me and picnickers and hikers to feast beneath my embracing coolness. I would like to produce fruit to generate more elms, nourish others, and experience more purpose in my existence as well. As elms can't produce fruit, I'd be a tree something like an elm.

Yes, I see qualities in different varieties of trees and many metaphors. The sizes, colors, textures of leaves and bark, habitats and behaviors like staying green, changing color, dropping leaves, giving off oxygen and drawing in CO2, and producing fruit or sap are much food for thought and drawing parallels with our own existence.

Have you seen the exquisite bonsai trees, especially ones with blazing red and orange fall foliage or delicate pink and white spring blossoms?
Reply:I would be a willow. Beautiful and graceful that bends with the wind.
Reply:I would be a deciduous tree, because all outer appearances change, parts die and new ones grow from inner strength.
Reply:Who's your teacher, Barbara Walters?

I'd be an Ent.
Reply:I'll be a a sakura tree.Because it's beautiful and pink which is peace to me XD.
Reply:I would be... A granny smith apple tree! Cause granny smith apples are amazing!
Reply:Trees and shrubs cannot choose to be the species they might want to otherwise be. But as a human, I would not choose to be less than a human.

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