Monday, November 16, 2009

What shrub should I use as a screen in the shade?

I have a fence line that I would like to grow a thick, tall screen of shrubs in front of. It is under the deep shade and I am having trouble finding a suitable plant for this spot. Most shrubs need sun and get really thin when shaded. Just as added info, I am in the coastal south (zone 8) and I am also looking for a FAST grower. One plant I had my eye on was Wax Myrtle.

What shrub should I use as a screen in the shade?
deep shade is tough. cleyera would work and is a fast grower. wax myrtle is fast but only in sun. it can handle shade but will thin out. aucuba loves shade but will not grow that tall, only 6 feet. i would try eleagnus. they reach 12 to 15 feet tall, can take sun or shade, grow very fast, but you will have to prune them often to keep a good shape. ligustrum will also work, and there are many types of that. my fav is wax leaf privet which has a large glossy leaf and blooms white all spring. they grow very fast as well
Reply:Here are a few things that might work, however, nothing that is a FAST grower.


Mapleleaf viburnum

Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia)

Summersweet Clethra (Clethra alnifolia)



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