Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is it possible to transplant a shrub in the fall in Ontario and how is this done?

Moving a shrub from one location to another in the fall. Best done before the snow falls or better to do in spring? Steps to do this.

Is it possible to transplant a shrub in the fall in Ontario and how is this done?
Spring or fall is O.K.

But do it long before the snow flies! Dig a hole twice as deep as the root system, and eighteen to twenty four inches wider that the base of the plant. Fill the hole with good dirt and some cow manure if you have it. Water it well! Step down hard on the ground around the base of the plant to make certain that there are no air pockets anywhere down in the ground. Water again.
Reply:If you do it now it is good because it is still mild and there is lots of rain. Don't wait too much longer or it won't be able to establish it's roots. If you haven't the time wait until spring.

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