Thursday, November 12, 2009

Please show a picture of scale insect-infested shrub/tree?

I want to see a picture of a scale-insect infested shrub branch like a boxwood shrub

Please show a picture of scale insect-infested shrub/tree?
There are several scale that can infest boxwood.

Oystershell Scale (these are the most common %26amp; damaging scale to affect boxwood %26amp; can be difficult to id as they can look like bark to the untrained eye):

Greedy Scale:
Reply:Vera, copy paste no citation, tsk

They are hard shelled, hemispherical insects. Here is an image:
Reply:Dont have a photo but scale is like a small white dot, just big enough to cover a aphid. When it gets severe it looks like white frosting on the plant. Beware Sago Palms, very succeptable to scale insect. (I am referring only to asiatic cycad scale)
Reply:"Boxwood + Scale Disease" (Google Images) Type this into Google and you will get what you are looking for. Also I pasted in the following which is interesting and the websites - that Australian website has some great pictures especially the mealy bug (Yuck). Very good photos on that website.

The insect world contains an enormous number and variety of species

but, of them all, the Scale Insects and Mealy Bugs come nearest to

being vegetables. Most insects are active animals that fly, hop, scamper,

crawl or burrow, but these queer creatures spend most of their lives

merely sitting in one spot, sucking plant juices from a branch, twig,

leaf, or fruit. Some of our most destructive pests are included among

the several hundred kinds of these highly specialized insects. They are

so small that the average person seldom realizes that they are

responsible for the sickly or dying condition of a tree or shrub.

Adult scale insects are extremely variable in shape, and range in size

from that of a pinhead up to forms which are a quarter of an inch long.

Each hides under a hard protective shell, or scale, of wax secreted by

pores on its body, and are frequently so numerous that they form a

dense crust. The females molt a few times, and usually discard their

legs and wings, before they mature. She lays eggs under the scale and

then dies. These hatch into young (called "crawlers") which move

around for a period varying from a few hours to a day or two before

they settle down and build scales. Unlike the female, the male -always

the smaller of the two -- goes through a cocoon stage from which he

emerges with a pair of wings but with no means of taking food. He

merely mates and dies. Males are scarce In most kinds and in many

species have never been seen.

The so-called Soft Scales, or Mealy Bugs, have soft oval segmented

bodies powdered with a white waxy secretion, and a fringe of it around

their sides. They have small poorly developed legs with which they

crawl about sluggishly. The female lays eggs, often several hundred,

underneath her body which then becomes a lifeless protective cover for


The natural enemies of scale insects and mealy bugs are tiny parasitic

wasps, certain flies, lacewings, beetle larvae, and a few infectious

diseases. A host of birds feed on them, especially chickadees, titmice,

and brown creepers. Most of them were introduced from other countries

and they are destructive pests.

The Australian Cottony-Cushion Scale once threatened to wipe out the

orchards of orange, grapefruit, lemon and other citrus fruits in

California but was brought under control by importing its natural

enemies: a red-and-black spotted lady beetle and a fly from Australia.

Others are controlled by fumigation with cyanide gas but several have

gradually developed resistant strains. The Red Scale, for example, has a

race which can "hold its breath" for 30 minutes of treatment. Originally,

one minute was enough to kill it.

The San Jose' Scale. probably from China, does not bother citrus fruits

but is a serious pest on other fruit trees, shrubs and such trees as elm,

oak and walnut. It has tiny round or oval overlapping scales. The

Oyster-Shell Scale, with brownish-gray scales resembling miniature

oyster shells, infests apple, pear, willow, ash, elm and other trees and

shrubs, frequently killing them. The Scurfy Scale and the Cottony

Maple Scale -- so called because of the cottony appearance of large

egg-sacs on the females -- damage many forest and shade trees in this

region .

The Lac Insect has waxy shells which are scraped from certain trees in

India and processed to make the shellac of commerce. Another scale

insect, the Cochineal Bug, which is a parasite on cactus, has been used

since the days of the Mayans and Aztecs to make a beautiful carmine

dye. Scale insects are good baby-sitters.

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